On Strata

Annette Lareau on unequal childhoods (audio)
Aronowitz - what "Girls" and "Shameless" teach us about differences between being broke and being poor (brief article)
Bartels - on what's the matter with what's the matter in Kansas (article)
Basil Bernstein on restricted and elaborated codes (brief article)
Beastrabban\'s Weblog - poverty journalism and the media patronization of the poor (article)
Boo - reporting poverty (interview article)
Butsch - Ralph, Fred... why television keeps re-creating the white male working class buffoon
Dorling - Inequality and the 1%
Dowd - middle-class poverty
Frank - for the rich, diamonds are the new stocks (brief article)
Hanauer - rich people do not create jobs (banned TED Talk)
Johnson - eight ways being poor is wildly expensive in America (brief article)
Krugman - the undeserving rich (brief article)
Lareau - Concerted Cultivationand the Accomplishmentof Natural Growth (chapter)
Martin - living off the grid in slab city (video)
Martin - the diminishing middle--and why that widens the gap between us (audio)
Mason - In Steinbeck's footsteps: America's middle-class underclass (brief article / video)
Mayeda - contemporary slavery in Thailand (article - 4 part series)
Monbiot - Romnesia:the ability of the very rich to forget the context in which they made their money
Morris - tv's dwindling middle-class (article)
Mullainathan - the psychology of poverty (article)
New York Times - class matters (large collection of video clips and interactive graphics
Newman on America's working poor (video clip)
O'Leary - defining the new middle class (audio/brief article)
Parramore - fifty years after the war on poverty: will the middle class become the new poor? (brief article)
Parramore - the dirty secret of Downton Abbey (brief article)
Pimpare - the hard work of poverty: Linda Tirado's hand to mouth (brief article with numerous links)
Prawer & Eisenstadt - feudalism (overview article)
Rosenburg - how to fight poverty: 8 programs that work (article)
Sowell - equality racket (brief article)
Taylor - The Effects of the Payne School Model on Student Achievement (article)
Tirado - poor people don't plan long-term: we'll just get our hearts broken (article)
Zinn: on class in America (pt 1 - video)
Zinn: on class in America (pt 2 - video)
born rich (doc) 
the caste system (article)
how the middle class got screwed (video)
how the rich keep getting richer (doc)
in search of the middle class (series of articles)
India untouched (doc)
India: getting children off the streets
lost decade of the middle class (video clip)
mapping poverty in America (interactive map)
manor house (tv episode 1)
the one percent (doc)
our journey: how we know caste (video)
poor kids of America (doc)
questioning Payne (brief article)
social class in America (video)
sociology is a martial art (series re Bourdieu - includes discussion on social and cultural capital (parts 1-2))
the super-rich: the greed game (doc)
tensions between the rich and poor (graphic)
the untouchables (short doc)
upsairs downstairs (season 1, epsiode 1, part 1; see collection)
what do insanely poor people buy, that ordinary people know nothing about? (Reddit)
what do the rich really want (video clip)
what percent are you? (interactive)
what's the matter with Kansas? (doc)


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