Tuesday, March 27, 2012

(possible) future of social activism

According to Visual News, a recent survey conducted by TBWA/Worldwide found that most American young adults (20-28 yrs old) define themselves as "social activists." Specifically, the study found that: 
7 in 10 American young adults are social activists.
1 in 2 donate time to support the causes he or she cares about.
1 in 3 boycotts or supports a business based on the causes he or she cares about.
1 in 5 participates in a rally or meeting, or contacts their local representative.
3 in 5 are female, and 3 of 5 of all activists are educated and working.
Unfortunately, the TBWA/Worldwide provided no details about the survey in terms of such basic facts as who was surveyed, how the sample was selected, nor size of sample. 
To launch the full infographic shown above, click here.

TBWA/Worldwide is a major advertising firm presumably dedicated to activism that has created numerous ad campaigns. One of their most popular ads had various celebrities, including Kim Kardashian, Justin Timberlake, and Usher, declaring themselves dead (at least in a digital sense, and at that, temporarily). 


  1. I was starting to read the post and when I stumbled upon the following statistics presented in this article, the first thought that came to mind was that the facts presented by the data they found were false. I honestly don't believe that 1 in 2 Americans donate time to support a cause they care about, furthermore I really find it hard to believe that 1 in 3 boycott or supports a business based on the causes he or she cares about. I just don't agree with those statistics, otherwise I think they could of provided a better background to the sample size or how the data was collected. Any sociologist/statistician looking at this survey would probably ask more details to as to how the survey was completed.

    1. I agree with you that a description of such matters should have been included with findings, and it does seem to be a bit of a stretch that such high proportions indicate activism. Thanks for commenting, Jon.
